Thursday, January 04, 2007

New class and lots of knitting!

Today I had to miss out on going to my knit night because my dance school's schedule has changed. I am now going to dance class in some combination of Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays. The new schedule began on January 2nd. Of course, on that day I was flying back to CA, so if I wanted to make it to dance at all this week, I had to show up tonight. I didn't realize that the schedule wasn't the only thing changing; the format has also. BD2 used to be more endurance in the drills around the room while Dance Movements was more of the sit-ups and work out before dancing. Tonight, we did our usual push-ups but we also had sit-ups, which I was somewhat unprepared for, being my first class back and all. Also, in addition to having to concentrate on our foot work and hip work, we are now supposed to bring our zills (finger cymbals) to class. Yeah, I was not prepared for that. I had just bought my first pair about 2 months ago and have not had time yet to learn how to use them (or what 7's or 3-1's mean) so that was... interesting. Needless to say, I was so focused on my feet and hips that I drilled with my finger cymbals clasped together, not clicking and chiming like (almost) everyone else. I was also very out of sync with dance (hooray for vacations, huh?) and for some reason couldn't handle my feet and hips at once. We were also supposed to line up for our drills by our lkevel; those in front are level 2 certified, next is level 1, and last are uncertified. It was an interesting class. My schedule and rut has completely changed. I like habit and I like things being stable. This is.. interesting. New days, new subjects. It makes me very curious as to what I am going to be doing in Dance Movements. One good thing is that now I don't have to long for taking the Fusion class. The only reason I had wanted to take that class was to learn zills and using them while doing other movements. That now seems to become satisfied in this class.

In other news, Mr A and I had our 3rd.. no 4th Christmas? We received a box from his parents that had a bunch of gifts in it. Yai! There were quite a few knitting things in it. I did not realize this until after i opened them, of course. In the middle of tearing tape off of one gift, I realized that the big soft wrapped thing was a sweater that Mr A's mom has been working on for me for a year! I shreiked as I realized this instantly losing (momentarily) interest in the still unopened gift, with "It's my sweater!!" Mr A was startled since it was quiet up until that point. I told him I was going to be somewhat disappointed if it wasn't since i just got myself worked up about it. And it was! It was finished! Hooray!! I threw it on to see how it fit. Now remember, this was knit while she was in Boston and I was out in California, so it was a lot of size guessing. It *almost* worked. The shoulders are a teeny bit poofy and the waist is a little thick, especially where the sleeves meet the body. But I love it! I am so excited! This is the first thing that anyone has knit for me!!
I am really excited to get to wear it.

From Mr A's mom I also received the cables Stitchionary, which I am also excited about because I can learn more about cables with it. Yai! And there are some sneaky sneaky people out there. I also got a gift certificate to where? Marin Fiber Arts! And each gift certificate is signed by Warren, so sooooomeooooone knew that I was getting this. ;o)

As for Mr A's socks that I wrote about last time... well. Things seemed to have changed. on the airplane, I was so excited about them that I turned the heel ever so slightly too soon. Of course I didn't think to stick a life line in before turning the heel, and I'll be damned if I try frogging the heel only to ruin the whole sock thus far. So, I seem to have accidentally made myself a pair of socks. I am hoping that maybe some luck will make it to that they fit him, butif they don't, I guess Iam lucky that they fit me. Darn! I really wanted to use some of the other yarn I have to make myself some other pair of socks. I'll just have to buy more and make him a pair.. that actually fits. Seeing as how this is my first "pair" of socks, we can call it practice, right? Yeah. I was only pretending. It was all planned from the beginning. Poor Mr A. Although I don't think he was nearly as excited about getting these socks as I was about him getting them. Oh well.

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