Saturday, November 04, 2006

Boise FO!!!

Check it out! I over estimated when I would be completing this (I thought it would be Monday or Tuesday) but I just finished my Boise Shawl! I'm so happy! Towards the end it became a slight obsession :p It feels so nice to feel so accomplished. This was my first shawl, first real lacey pattern, and first knit along. And it is so soft. I am also very pleased that I have it done before it gets too cold here... well.. as cold as it gets in Northern California.
Looky Looky at the beautiful shawl!


Anonymous said...

O my booisgeezse ! wow...i'm stunned. did you send it out to be worked on while you slept? joke! I know that beautiful piece of lucious green cashmere goodness is a product of your nimble lace-knitting fingers....

ya know.... my birthday is coming up...on the 20th of this month... and my nickname is 'lady cashmere'...nudge nudge

it's beautiful. I can't wait to see it in person. nice work!

Kiwi said...

Hahaa!! It felt like I sent it out while I slept... I dreamt about it all throughout the last 2 balls. It really turned into a scarey obsession :p

Oh no! I should do something for your birthday!!! But I must be selfish and keep the shawl ;)

Thank you for the comments!

badmommy said...

You so totally rock - it's GORGEOUS!!