Saturday, April 15, 2006

FO's that I never put up anywhere

This was a little rose and leaf that I had made out of a yarn sampling that I received at Stitches West 2006.

The subsequent image is of my cat sniffing it, wondering why I was paying attention to something else and not her.

My MIL gave me a small kit for a felted coin purse for Christmas. It was so simple and I think it came out cute. I had to hand felt all of these since I live in an apartment and it is about $1.50 for each wash. I used my hair dryer for help too. For small objects, I didn't see much of an issue in felting them this way, and I liek the way everything ended up.

Who says cats can't help knit? Cora decided that regardless of the fuzzy stringy stuff in my lap, she wanted to be there too and nothing was going to stop her.

I'm saving some of the images from current WIPs for another post so that this one isn't too image heavy, and I like to show them from beginning to end. :o)

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