Last night I had just gotten back from the trip to Pittsburgh. It was full of lost of late nights and early mornings, as well as lots of partying and seeing old friends. It rocked. I did end up finishing my Lelah Top, and started the new shawl I had been meaning to make since November. Oh, it is so soft! The Lelah Top is only finished by way of knitting however, and I may change my bind off meathod to make it looser. Then onto sewing in the elastic and making i-cords. :o)
While getting coffee from an unnamed-large-succubus-coffee-shop chain, I looked across the street to where the LYS was. The store logo was so cute, because it had a naked cartoon sheep looking quite confused, wearing a sweater clearly of its own wool. On the doors however were signs plastered EVERYWHERE saying the store was closing, and yep! SALE. So I brought Nici, my one and only knitting friend up there to go shop the soon to leave knitting shop with me. So the sale wasn't that great (measly 10% off) but I bought some balls of cashmere and silk blend. Oooohh the spoil. And I actually bought enough to make something nice out of it... and not just another scarf.
Going to the yarn shop make me think of the other week when Marin IJ came to the Stitch n Bitch, so once I was in the vicinity of a computer and internet (ahhh I love CMU and the ability to always be plugged in even when you're an alumn) I looked up the article online. And wow. One section focused on me and Sunny, even though they couldn't handle spelling my obnoxious last name correctly. I felt bad, because I thought there would be more about the owner and the other ladies. This was only my second time there and I feel like I stole the stage! When I went in to work (yes folks, I got up at 5:30am EST (2:30am PST) and arrived at work to do hours of mousies at 4pm PST!!) one of my lab mates said "Do you know you were in the Marin IJ?" ...and here I was thinking this was a newspaper that no one reads, since I don't live in Marin and don't happen to get the paper all the way in Contra Costa. I think three total people asked me about it, the original person, CT who had the copy of the paper had told J "Did you know your lab mate is famous?!" and expressed to someone else that she wanted to go too. Ha haa. I haven't seen the hard copy, but I was told I am in 3 pictures. Among my office, I have been dubbed "a professional knitter" because I was in the newspaper. I have already been summonded to knit a lot of hacky sacks for one of the husbandry staff since he doesn't like paying $11 for each. I can't wait to go back to knit group. I hope they're not mad at me though for showing up so much. Maybe I'll bring some ladies from work.
And when I get time, I'll post pictures of the top and shawl.