Friday, June 20, 2008

Knitting and heat

The past few days as it gets hotter and hotter, knitting becomes harder and harder. It's not that I am working with wool at the moment, or working with anything huge or thick. However as it reached 100°F today, as I try to knit the yarn gets stuck on my fingers. It doesn't move and it is hard to keep proper tension. Eesh!

All I want to do is relax and knit, but what can you do when you can't even knit due to the heat?


Anonymous said...

Ha - you moist Californians you!

funsize said...

amen sister. my yarn smells like sunscreen, which may or may not be good for it, from trying to knit at the pool.

Kiwi said...

ahh vegan knitting... don't you miss it?

funsize: sunscreen will wash out, right? ;o)