Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Shawl Progress

I guess it has been long enough since I have last posted. My working life has become busy, my knitting has been powering on, and so has my stitch marker making. New changes are to come with the stitch markers, but I will wait to reveal that until it gets closer to the time when the changes will occur. The shawl has been powering along. I am 50 rows away from being finished! I estimate that it won't be too much longer before I am wearing a new FO and beginning a new project. These pictures were taken about a week and a half ago, I believe. And of course I left out anything that could remotely resemble something to use for size comparison, unless you squint to see the itty bitty stitch marker action happening at the top. Oh well.

More updates more frequently; I promise!!

1 comment:

Nittany Knits said...

The shawl will be perfect for the summer! Wish I had been so productive while I wasn't blogging!